We want every one of our students to be able to say…

I am a leader! I am the leader of me, and I know that I can have a positive impact on other people and the wider world.

At the heart of every global threat is a failure of leadership. We believe that everyone is a leader and we need to nurture and develop each learner’s leadership skills to help them make a positive impact on the world. We focus on leading ourselves well for the benefit of others – our leadership Hakka is a frequent and powerful reminder!

I am creative! I have time to explore, to use my imagination, and to play with possibilities. I dare to be different. Whether through music, art or drama, I celebrate self-expression!

We invite Masters in art, drama and music into the school on a regular basis to provide the learners with expert tuition in the expressive arts, and our oldest children have the opportunity to participate in the Arts Award. We also cultivate a culture of oracy – where the children are regularly given opportunities to present to each other, to practise building arguments and persuading others. At the end of every school year, we put on a whole-school theatrical performance.

I am collaborative! I see the value of teamwork and recognise that different perspectives and ideas can enrich my thinking and create a better outcome.

We show our learners the value and power of synergising: collaborating; working as part of a team; co-creating projects. In this way, they see how their ideas can be made even more brilliant when they allow others to build on them. They also learn that the whole can be so much more than the sum of its parts when everyone’s different contribution is included.

I am resilient! I know a growth mindset helps me to stick with difficulty and to tolerate uncertainty. So I try to be brave and take risks, knowing that it might not always work but that I’ll usually learn something from it.

We talk a lot about getting out of your comfort zone into a place where you are stretched and challenged – that’s where the magic happens and growth takes place. Mistakes are essential in learning and we believe in “failing forward” which is to deliberately use failure to find success. We have created a culture of experimentation and teaching ‘stickability’ because we want our students to dare to try new things, and not be afraid of messing up, because this is how you build resilience.

I am empathic! I know that understanding and managing my emotions helps me to know myself better and interact with others more successfully.

Our school culture is built around respectful communication. This creates a happy and safe environment, where kindness is visible and positive attitudes to behaviour and learning can thrive. We want the children to become proficient at resolving conflicts in a kind and non-judgemental way and to learn positive communication and behaviour habits that they can take into adult life. The children and the tutors participate in making the whole school student agreement that sets out the ‘rules’ that ensure the community works well for all. We then use this as a reminder of our commitment and promises to each other in the school community.

I am self-aware! I work hard to recognise my impact on others, understand and accept other people, and listen to their perspectives. I take ownership of my behaviour.

We actively encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, and to ask themselves ‘what is required of me right now?’. Our aim is to support each child in cultivating a sense of compassion, empathy, patience, understanding and respect for themselves as well as their community, and in developing openness to, and appreciation of, other views and identities.

I am powerful! My voice is important and what I say matters. My actions can make a difference and I’m not afraid to try and change things.

Every child is involved in decision-making about key issues that impact them – from setting rules and agreements on behaviour through to proposing topics they want to learn about.